
How To Stop SQL Injection On Your Website


Website Hacking always hot topic between Hacker,some days before i am tell you how to hack a website by SQL Injection with picture.

For watch old Post Click Here

Today post about How to Safe your site against SQL Injection Attack because security of website too important for save your Data Base by access unauthorised person.

If your site SQL vulnerable then a hacker go to site login page and type tha administrator username and in the password field type or paste like this..

x' or '1'='1

If the site vulnerable then it login and you change all settings but how this code work.If you are able to log in then the code on side ...

"WHERE username="" . $username .
" AND password="" . $password ."";

then your code work as...

SELECT *FROM users WHERE username='admin' and PASSWORD='HrDe' or '1'='1

Here x' or '1'='1 has injected an extra phrase into the WHERE clause that means WHERE is always true,and this query will return a row contain the user's details.

If single user defined in the DB,then user's details will always returned else multiple users then one of those user will be returned at random.

How to safe website by Deface ?

How to fix vulnerable hole on your website,it's not difficult.Many ways to do it.If you work with MySQL then simply you fix it by using the
mysql_real_escape_string() function for example....

"WHERE username="" . $username .
" AND password="" . $password ."";

This work as...

SELECT*FROM users WHERE username='admin' and PASSWORD='x\' or \'a\' =\'a

It backslashes(\) make the DB treat query like a normal character rather than as a delimiter,by it DB no interprets the SQL an OR in the WHERE clause.
This is one method but many ways open for you to protect yourself.

If this information helpful for you,so only enter your name and email id and write down your comment.
This is the small gift for my work by you.

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BruCON Agnitio workshop Slides and Video Demonstration - Download


Workshop by David Rook at BruCON 2011 in Belgium. You can Download Slide from here.
Required for the Agnitio hands on demos:

In addition to the list above the following things are optional depending on how hands on you want to be:
  • Internet connection to download an application from the Android market place
  • Eclipse IDE installed
  • Android SDK installed
  • Android Debug Bridge (adb) installed, this should be installed as part of the SDK install
  • An AVD configured with the Android market place app installed (instructions here)
  • I think you can also use a rooted Android device if you don’t want to use the emulator
Workshop format
  • A quick look at static analysis and the strengths and weaknesses of humans and software
  • What is Agnitio and why do I think checklists are a vital component of security code reviews
  • Some examples of what can go wrong if you don’t use checklists to find and remove simple flaws
  • Demos/hands on: using checklists in Agnitio to review source code, produce reports and metrics
  • Demos/hands on: how to customise your Agnitio installation
  • A look at mobile (Android and iOS) application security and how analysis is currently done
  • Demo/hands on: using the mobile specific rule sets in the Agnitio static analysis module
  • Demo/hands on: downloading an app from the marketplace and decompiling it using Agnitio.


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