If you receive warnings that your virtual memory is low, you'll need to increase the
minimum size of your paging file. Windows sets the initial minimum size of the paging
file equal to the amount of random access memory (RAM) installed on your computer plus
300 megabytes (MB), and the maximum size equal to three times the amount of RAM installed
on your computer. If you see warnings at these recommended levels, then increase the
minimum and maximum sizes.
1.Right Click to MyComputer>>properties.
2.In the left pane, click Advanced system settings. If you are prompted for an
administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
3.On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Settings.
4.Click the Advanced tab, and then, under Virtual memory, click Change.
5.Clear the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives check box.
6.Under Drive [Volume Label], click the drive that contains the paging file you want to