Today,Facebook is the synonyms of social networking site.And every one use it. Google develop the some keyword for Facebook in his Chrome browser.Chrome keyword for facebook given below which make your facebook to simple for you...

Alt+1 -Return you to Home
Alt+2 -To view the Wall of the profile
Alt+3 -To pull down the Friends Requests list in there
Alt+4 -To retrieve the Messages list of the profile
Alt+5 -To call out the Notification list of the profile
Alt+6 -Go to Account setting page
Alt+7 -Moves page to Account privacy configuration.
Alt+8 -Opens Facebook fans group page
Alt+9 -Skips to Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities
Alt+0 -Go to Facebook Help Center
Alt+m -To Create new message
Alt+? -To move Cursor in the Search Box