My today post too important for those person who want hack a SQL vulnerable site but he doesn't use a manual method to hack a site Database.
Some days before i am write my SQL Injection post in which i am tell you how to hack a SQL vulnerable site but by manual way,today i am tell you how to hack a website Username and Password by Havij tool.
Havij is a strong tool who very useful in Website hacking.By this tool you get below write information of any site...
1. Database Name
2. Table Name
3. Columns Name
4. Columns Data
5. Decrypt MD5 Code

For Download this tool Click Here
Open this tool,for use this tool it must you have a link of Website Vulnerable page,For know about it more plz read my old post.
If you have already a vulnerable link then it enter in the Havij Target space bar like below picture and Click on 'Analyze' button.When you click on analyze button then it show Current Database Name like below pic...

When it show you a DB name then go to 'Table Button' and click on them like below picture...
When you click on Table Button then it shown you a new 'Get Table' name button like above picture,Click on the Get Table button,after analyze it show you table name in the Database like above pic.
Check mark any table name in my case i am check mark 'admin' and then click on the 'Get Columns' name button.It show you Present Columns name which in build in Table 'admin' like below pic...
Check mark any columns name in my case i am mark Password and click on 'Get Data' name button,It show me result data mean password of website admin Control Panel account in right side box show in below pic...
Like above process you also find the username,loginid etc. from the page.
Use Havij MD5 Decrypter for decrypt MD5 coded Password.
I think it is helpful for you like my old post,plz pass your comment.
Thanks Brooooo