Increase performance
The modules in the Increase performance category are there to accelerate your system.
You will find everything you need to accelerate your system here.
Many aspects of the day-to-day use of your computer have negative effects on performance. Installing lots of programs and using the wrong Windows settings can significantly slow your computer down over time. Expert users know this and can adjust system settings to achieve maximum performance. With the TuneUp Utilities modules in this category, a few mouse clicks are enough to optimize your system for maximum performance - and you don't have to become a Windows guru.
TuneUp Speed Optimizer checks your computer for things that might slow your system down or problems that often cause your computer to behave unpredictably, and removes them at the touch of a button. Meanwhile, it is always ready to help you with valuable tips on hardware and software configuration.
One of the most powerful tools for accelerating your system is TuneUp Drive Defrag. This module organizes the files on your hard disk so that they can be accessed more quickly. The advanced defragmentation system will allow Windows and programs to start substantially faster.
TuneUp StartUp Manager lets you finally turn off those annoying unnecessary autostart programs. Autostart programs are those programs that start automatically when Windows starts up, often in spite of the fact that you don't want or need them.
TuneUp Registry Defrag optimizes and defragments the Windows registry, which becomes bigger and bigger during the course of your normal work.
The TuneUp Mem Optimizer module, available for Windows versions up to Windows XP, monitors the system memory in Windows and automatically optimizes it when you are not working.
For 15 Day Trial Version of Tune Up Please Click on the link......
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