Congrats! me and all viewer because your beloved blog "HACKARDE" come to near you 1 step more with Twitter.

Ya! it is right today "HACKARDE" start his Twitter Account because if you want like to near about "HACKARDE" so "HACKARDE" also like near about you.
All person know that today is the time of Social Networking and many people like to share our thing and work with other person,Twitter is a g8t place where you share your all passion.Many Companies CEO,biggest business man,Socialist,and Film Star follow twitter to connect with all person.
So i am thought why not "HACKARDE" share his view with his viewer,So the Result is Today "HACKARDE" launch his Twitter Account in Front of you.
My request to all viewer go to Twitter and Follow the "HACKARDE" for latest update.
For Follow "HACKARDE" Please click on the "FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER!" link which Shown in Blog at top right Side.
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