My today post helpful for you in anti phishing.Phishing is a hacking trick by which a hacker makes a fake log in page and send to you,fake page like Facebook,Gmail,Yahoo,Orkut,and twitter log in page.When you enter you enter the Your ID and Password then it send to hacker and hacker access your account without your information.
Netcraft is a toolbar which helpful for you to secure yourself by Phishing attack.You see a view of toolbar given below...

Why use the Netcraft Toolbar?
- Protect your savings from Phishing attacks.
- See the hosting location and Risk Rating of every site you visit.
- Help defend the Internet community from fraudsters.
The Netcraft Toolbar also:
- Traps suspicious URLs containing characters which have no common purpose other than to deceive.
- Enforces display of browser navigational controls (toolbar & address bar) in all windows, to defend against pop up windows which attempt to hide the navigational controls.
- Clearly displays sites' hosting location, including country, helping you to evaluate fraudulent urls (e.g. the real or sites are unlikely to be hosted in the former Soviet Union).
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