Since 1 year before my collage friend say to me that why not i am write a blog for aware about hacking trick and security to all person.Hacking is not a tough work and security by hack also make more simple if you know the basics of hacking trick.
So i am make a blog which name "Hackarde",today "Hackarde" enter into his 2nd year very successfully with 18,000+ visitor and 36,000+ page view since last 12 month.So this is the time of celebration.

All these thing are only done by love of "Hackarde" visitor and contibuter who always given good response to his beloved blog.I am want given thanks to all person who like "Hackarde" work.
Since 12 month "Hackarde" aware you with many hacking trick and security by it,this is only done by your love and encourage work.
Today "Hackarde" is the partner of Securityxploded which is the G8t "A infosec research & Development Portal" in India.So you see the success story of "Hackarde" since 12 month.
So please always joint with "Hackarde" and also given your love to him .
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